Now that I have my new computer, i am feeling more inclined to keep up with my blogs. After all, it took my Dell about 5 whole minutes to turn on and the internet to start working. How fast is my new Mac you takes about 30 seconds....that's a lot faster!!!
Anyhoo, I am going to condense two blog posts into one here. I made cookies, and I also made my famous pie. I am not much of a cook, but I do enjoy baking. There is an art to it, an art not involved with cooking. Not to mention baking is a more take your time thing, and when I cook I feel like its a race-a-round until the food's on the table.
Making Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies...yummy!!!
I got to use my new mixer for the first time!
My next baking project (not in the same day) was my pie. You can find this recipe on
This pie is always a big hit with everyone. Its not super easy to make, and its very time consuming, but its all worth it when you impress everyone with your baking skills. And you take a big bit of pie and it tastes like heaven in your mouth. Yummmy heaven :)
I have been wanting a MacBook Pro for ages now. And today my wish finally came true...I got a gift card from my Dad and money from my Mom, and Chris gave me his gift card from my Dad, and I got myself a brand spanking new MacBook Pro!!!
I made sure to document this monumental event :)
I have been spending this evening learning all the cool new things that my MacBook Pro can do, and my Dell only dreamed of doing :) I made a slideshow of my dog...I have to say its pretty awesome, and it only took me about 10-15 minutes!!!
I also had some fun with photo booth. Seriously....once you go Mac, you will never go back :)
Looking forward to all the adventures that my Mac will be taking me on...together we can accomplish ANYTHING!!!
After stuffing my face yesterday (Thanksgiving) I thought it would be a good idea to start with something light and healthy today.....especially since I plan on having leftovers :)
Step One...Add ice, frozen, fruit, some whey protein powder (vanilla), and orange juice
Step Two....blend. I love my magic bullet, I dont know what I would do without it!!!
Step Three....ENJOY!!!!
And it is very yummy! Now I can jump start my day without feeling guilty. Time to find those Christmas decorations! :)
So I decided to try Sally Hansen's Salon Effects. I have to admit, I've seen them in the drug stores for a while now, but they looked like they couldn't possibly work....I mean they just look like stickers, and on top of that they are $10!!! I wasn't really willing to spend my money on something that wasn't going to work.
But then I came across a few reviews for the product - it was weird....was not looking for that at all - anyhoo, the product had raving reviews....almost everyone (who wasn't a moron) loved this product!!! And said that it really does last 10 days....or more! So I decided to give them a try....and wouldn't you know they happen to be on sale! Super!!! I got the gold ones with the black lace and also a pair of silver with cobwebs for Halloween. So far I am really pleased. They went on relatively easy, and I could have actually cut them in half and gotten two uses out of the box....oh well, next time. I will keep you updated on my new find....let you know how it works out :)
BTW I got my new Sporty Watch in the mail on Saturday!!! One week and only $12 for a brand new watch....seriously awesome!! I also started a referral program where you can earn free jewelry! Check it out
I feel like everyone has one or two TV shows or movies that they may consider a guilty pleasure. I probably have more than a few, but I like what I like, and I don't really care what anyone thinks. One of my guilty pleasure shows is "One Tree Hill". I am kinda of sad to see that this show is entering their last season, but at the same time I do also feel like they have had more than one "series finale" if you know what I mean. It's kind of like LOST. I love that show, and I will watch it over and over, but you can tell when it went from being really good, to pretty good, to "I'm going to continue to watch because I am sucked in".
I love the characters of OTH, and I have to admit that I probably am one of the few people who not only appreciated the older characters starting in season 5, but I also didn't mind seeing Payton and Lucas "drive off into the sunset". Their relationship always got on my nerves a little. I was a Brooke and Lucas girl myself. (But as far as Sophia and Chad...I was team Sophia all the way)
Besides I Haley was always my favorite character in the show. I could relate to her the best, and felt we had the most in common. So as long as they don't kill her off, I'm still a fan.
This brings me to the reason for this rant. I follow the OTH blog, and just read their most resent post titled: EW: ‘One Tree Hill’ has found its hit man — EXCLUSIVE
Now, I was a little concerned to find out that a hit man would be involved in the final (and did I mention short) season of OTH. I felt that this turn of events had "Days of Our Lives" written all over it. (Anyone remember the Salem Stalker...that freaking storyline lasted like an entire year!) But I am a fan, and I will watch. Afterall, I didn't think a crazy nanny would make a good storyline, and that is one of my favorite seasons!
When I googled this story however, I found a plethora of negative comments regarding OTH in its entirety. I was a little bummed with all the negative vibes. I mean I kinda think the show kicks ass. Do I get teased for still watching....yeah, sometimes....but like I said, its my guilty pleasure. And I feel like, if you don't like the show, than don't watch it. But do you really have to hate on it?? Obviously I am not the only one with the guilty pleasure of watching, or they wouldn't have made it for nine seasons. That's right NINE!!! That's one more than Charmed. (another guilty pleasure.....and I own all eight seasons) that I have shared a few of my own guilty pleasures (did I mention "Secret Life of the American Teenager"....that's a particularly embarrasing one. As I watch I am thinking "why am I watching this??") maybe you can share a few of yours with me. :)
So I had my first real Zumba experience yesterday. I've done a little with an exercise video my mom got, and I've seen a few commercials and stuff. I say this because I feel like I have pretty good idea of what Zumba is....and what Zumba is NOT.
First of all I have learned in my very many exercise tape and exercise class experiences that the instructor can make or break the experience. Some talk too much, some talk too little...some foam at the mouth (yes, seriously...seen that) some have a really annoying voice, like a squeaky mouse, and some sing along to the music...that's the worst! But I have never seen anything like the class yesterday.
Now, I am hesitant to say anything against this instructor because she seemed like a really sweet person, and probably a good instructor, just not a good Zumba instructor. And the thing that made my experience as her student the worst is the very thing that makes me not want to say anything negative.....she is a breast cancer survivor. And I'm talking a fresh survivor, she got her port taken out the day before teaching the class. If you are unclear of what a port is for, or what that means....I assure you that I am not. I am not new to the cancer scene. And being someone who will probably have to have my ovary's taken out after having children so as to prevent my very high chance of getting cancer, and also someone who has watched almost all of my grandparents, great-aunts, and great-uncle die from several different kinds of cancer, I am not unaware of her struggle, and I applaud her. However, I don't want to be thinking about cancer when I am trying to work out. A class I was looking forward to, but as it is at 6:30 on a Friday, I had trouble getting myself there.
I mean come on...I don't want to know about your experience having your port taken out, I also don't want to hear your stories about the various times your prosthetic boobs have fallen out of your bra, and I really don't want to worry about the fact that you are looking a little tired, and might collapse in the middle of teaching. Maybe it is my own sensitivity to cancer, or maybe it's because I was not really in the mood to go to this class, on a Friday at 6:30, but I made myself go because I thought it would be fun. But, I just was not in the mood for this crap!
And that's not even the worst part. That's just the icing on the cake....and the part that makes me feel like a bitch when I tell you the really bad part.....
This chick was the skinniest thing I have ever seen. And I know cancer makes people look sick, and they loose their appetite, but I think she is also a naturally very skinny person. Now, Zumba is very Latin based, and has (or is supposed to have) a lot of hip movements. The thing I did on Friday was the awkward white persons version of Zumba. Seriously. I was so damn bored...and I could not believe this chick teaches Zumba...I mean the creators of Zumba should see this shit....they would just die!!! She had no hips, and no ass....I mean seriously, we were doing ourselves a disservice. It was would make a really funny you tube video. Thank the Lord she was a sub...I will try again next week, but two strikes your out, and if the regular teacher is ever out again, and this chick shows up....I am high-tailing it outta there faster than you can say Zumba!
On a lighter note....I am enjoying a little Ghost Whisperer with Jennifer Love. And I remembered my first workout video. (I am almost too embarrassed to admit this, but its too funny not to share) My first workout video was Dance Workout with Barbie...yea. Anyway I found the video, and check out the girl on the Mrs. Love. :) Enjoy