
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Day in the Life...

Spending your day with a baby can be many things.... fun, adorable, chaotic, hilarious, rushed, repetitive, heartwarming, frustrating, exhausting, but mostly filled with love <3

As worn out as I would get during the day…now that I'm back to work I miss every bit of it.  Even being worn out by the end of the day.  <3

Colton is growing more and more everyday. He can sit up by himself (with a boppy or me behind him just incase) he loves to play in his jumper and on a blanket surrounded by toys.  He can play by himself for a little while, but only if he can see me.  He's really a good little boy!

We are schedule parents.  I know everyone feels differently about it, and its what works for you and your baby.  But babies thrive on a schedule.  They feel secure knowing what to expect.  And they are happier when you can feel them before they are starving, and put them down for a nap before they are exhausted.  Babies need to learn the dynamic of the family, and that includes learning that they are not in charge.

We are flexible with the schedule when our day calls for it.  If we are going somewhere, we might adjust his naps…if he's extra cranky, or going through a growth spurt, we may need to feed him more, or let him sleep a little longer.  But for the most part we are pretty strict with it.

Colton's Daily Schedule:

7:15 - We wake up for our day.  He gets changed and we open the blinds and let out the dog.  Sometimes he starts waking at 6:30, but he will lay in his crib and talk to himself and maybe fall back to sleep.  He used to try to wake up at 5:30, but through practice he's learned to just entertain himself in his crib until I come and get him.

7:30 He has his first bottle.  And we relax in front of the tv while Mommy has her coffee :)

8:30 Breakfast time!  I tried feeding him right after the bottle but it was too much food all at once.  He loves his baby food!  We give him new food in the morning and its fun to see his expression when he tastes something new.  We usually mix his cereal with the food we are giving him.

9:30 - Nap time!  I love nap time.... it's the best time to get things done.  He is a rockstar napper!  He will nap for about 2 hours.  It took some work to get him to this point, he used to only nap for 30-45 min.

11:30 - I get him up and he has his second bottle. This is a good time of day. He is rested and full which means he's in a pretty good mood.  We enjoy some floor time and he squeals and babbles to me.  It's so much more fun now that he's more alert and aware of what's going on.

1:30 - Nap time #2.  This nap is also 2 hours. (I know…I'm very lucky….but again, I wasn't blessed with a good sleeper…I worked for it)

3:30 - Bottle #3. If it's a nice day and we haven't been out yet we might go outside now, or we dance around the house.  Then we enjoy some more floor time and jump in the jumper.  Sometimes I put him in the pack n play with some toys while I work on the computer.  I'm trying to get him used to playing by himself more.

5:30 - Sometimes he needs a third cat nap around this time.  He usually will only sleep for about 30-45 min, and usually he will sleep cuddled up with me on the couch.  But he hasn't needed this nap much lately, so we are phasing it out.

6:00 - Dinner time!  He has some more food and cereal.  Afterwards he sits in the highchair while I clean up the kitchen and make the bottles and food for the next day.

7:15 - Bath time!  I'm usually pretty exhausted by this point. But since going back to work I soak up every min I can get with him after 4:30. (when I get home) Chris helps with bath time, it's just so much easier with two people.  Colton loves everything about bedtime.  He enjoys his bath, he kicks and squeals with excitement.  He loves getting all lotioned up and dressed with fresh clean jammies.

7:30 Last bottle followed by a story, our good night song, and bed.  He goes down so easy.  I place him in his crib awake, he wiggles around for a few min getting comfortable, and goes to sleep.

He is really is a great baby…which is not what I would have said a few months ago LOL.  It takes hard work and dedication, but since being on a schedule he is SOOOO much happier!  (Anyone who was around him in months 1-3 will tell you the same thing)  <3

(I can't wait until I can get a new camera…no more blurry pictures)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Flashback though pregnancy

I intended to take cute pictures every few weeks with a chalkboard stating the number of weeks…after all that's why I created the chalkboard in the first place.  But when the time came I was too tired, or too bust, or felt too fat to take any of those pictures.  I did however take a few (just not like I planned).  Looking back on the pictures I think I look cute and pregnant, not like a big fate pig (which is how I felt)

(in case anyone is wondering…all collages were created on

Saturday, August 30, 2014

My Baby is 6 months!!!

I seriously can not believe that my baby is 6 months old!  On one hand it feels like he has been a part of our lives forever, and on the other hand it feels like yesterday that he blesses us.  I recently learned about the term "rainbow baby".  I haven't shared this with many people, but Colton is our "rainbow baby".  For those of you that aren't familiar with the term, a rainbow baby is your second baby.  A baby after a loss.  I made it to 10 weeks with our first baby before I lost in on February 3, 2013.  Maybe I will tell the story sometime, but right now I am celebrating my beautiful baby boy!

Colton Christopher makes us laugh everyday.  He is quick with a smile and a giggle to follow.  He is one of the most observant babies I've ever seen.  He loves to watch us, and he watches with so much interest I just wonder what he is thinking.

He loves to look at himself in the mirror, it almost always makes him smile.  He LOVES to eat.  I mean seriously…just look at the boy!  

He has just learned to sit up on his own.  He still flops back, so I can't just put him down, but he can do it!  He also loves to stand!  He is very wobbly and obviously can stand on his own, but loves it all the same.

He is a rolling machine.  He recently started sleeping on his side.  I find myself just staring at the monitor, watching him sleep.  There are so many times I just want to go in and pick him up and cuddle him.

Going back to work has been hard.  It does make it a little easier knowing that he is just home with Chris, but still….I'm not home with him.  Plus…I'm not exactly happy with my work situation (long story) which makes it harder to go in everyday and leave my baby at home.

But anyway….my baby is 6 MONTHS!!!  

Oh Baby! Makin' Baby Food

Homemade Baby Food…its the best gift you can give your baby.  Its good for them, it saves you money, and its fun!  :)
While I was pregnant with C I searched and searched for information on making your own baby food.  Everyone has a different opinion and a different way of doing it.  I like to keep things simple, and I will share with you what worked for me...

Today I made Apples.  When I make something for the first time I make sure to wash with soap everything I use before making a second food (assuming I'm making more than one food in a day).  Otherwise I just rinse everything.  You have to be really careful with possible food allergies.  You want to wait 5-7 days between each new food (that's what our pediatrician recommended).  We introduce new foods in the morning so we can monitor any reactions he may have.

I cleaned, pealed, and cut the apples before steaming them.  This is the steamer I use.  Again, keeping it simple.  I just put the metal steamer in a pot with water and add food.

You don't need a special blender.  I use my Magic Bullet (which is really old and may not last much longer), but you can use any blender you have around the house.  Add water as needed.  I suggest adding a little less than you think you need, you can always add more when its time for the baby to eat. You can use the water you steamed the food in to preserve nutrients.

Next, you put your food in a ice cube tray.  I got these from Amazon and I love them!  They are specially made for baby food and they have a lid so nothing from the freezer gets into your babies food.  Let your cubes freeze for 24 hours.

After your food is frozen you can put in into a freezer bag.  Again, when I make a new food I keep it separate and put it into a bag by itself, but when I make food that he has had before I just put it all in one bag.

The day before I am going to feed him, I thaw two cubes in a mason jar, and put it in the fridge.  I got these mason jars from Target, they are perfect!

 There was never a second thought when it came to making my own baby food.  This is something I wanted to do for my baby, and I'm so glad.  I know exactly what is going into his body, and I am helping him form good food habits early.  So far we have tried sweet potatoes, pears, cucumbers, peaches, yellow squash, carrots, banana, and avocado.  And now Monday we will try apples.  (isn't it funny how we say "we", but really its just the baby)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Baby is 3 months!

I am the worlds worst blogger.  However, having a little baby to care for takes up a lot of time, and doesn't leave room for much else.  But we are getting our schedule down and getting into a routine.  I plan on posting about Colton's birth eventually, it was a bit of an ordeal.  Good thing he is so wonderful, it totally makes it worth it.

My beautiful baby was born on Friday February 28th.  
Colton Christopher Reid was 7lbs 11oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

The drive home.  Chris drove so slowly while I sat in the back checking on the baby every minute.

The first few days home were hard and exhausting, but filled with joy like I never knew I could feel.

This cute but sad face is what we saw a lot of the first few weeks.  It took us a while to figure out that Colton has a slight milk allergy which gave him really bad gas and a terrible diaper rash.  He was also not sleeping well because of all of this and that just added to the fussiness.

 One week came so fast, but getting a picture of Captain Cranky was difficult.

I take a million pictures of him everyday…I just can't help it.

One Month Old!

His first smiles :)

He loves to cuddle his Mommy <3

It has been so amazing to see Chris grow into the role of Father.  He has been amazing!

Two Months!!!

He looks so much like Chris.  He's like a little mini.  I thought he was going to look like me, he looks a lot like I did as a baby, but as he gets older he is looking more like Chris.

We recently purchased our "Wubby".  Its been a God send!  I highly recommend for any baby that takes a pacifier.

My baby boy is rolling from his front to his back and/or side, and learning to sit up on his own.  He makes a grunting noise when he tries to sit up…it takes so much effort.

And today he is 3 months old!  I can't believe it.  Time is going by so fast, I'm just trying to soak up every moment with this wonderful baby boy.  I type this with one hand as the other is holding a sleeping baby and I wouldn't have it any other way.