
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Oh Baby Nursery!

We started working on the nursery a few weeks ago.  There was a lot to be done!  We had to clean it out (it was a guest room/ office/ junk room), remove the wallpaper and paint.  Chris has been working so hard!

Choosing a paint color was difficult, but I am really pleased with the green we chose.

It's so exciting to be preparing for this little man.  Today he put the crib together, so I washed the bedding and put it all together. (yes, I know the bumpers and blanket need to go before the baby sleeps in the crib)

It looks so good!  I can't wait to get the rest of the furniture in the room.  And I really can't wait to add a little baby to the room :)

Friday, January 3, 2014

A new year, a new beginning, bring on 2014

This past year has been a crazy one.  We had the lowest of low's followed but the highest of high's.  I am greatly looking forward to 2014!  We are going to have so many new experiences and memories.  The most important one being that we are expecting a baby boy in about 9 weeks.  
Holy crap…9 weeks!

(I realized after taking this picture that I have to clean that mirror…add it to the list)

I haven't been blogging about my pregnancy because honestly I haven't been blogging.  There are several different reasons why I needed to take a break, but now with the new year I would like to get back into it.

I am going to start by linking to a few other blogs and answering the questions below:

1. What is something you want to change, or a goal you want to set for the New Year & what is your plan for making it happen?  I want to be more productive.  I am very productive in my work life, but not so much in my personal life.  I want to spend more time accomplishing things around the house, and finishing all the projects I love to start.  What is my plan for getting this done….hmmmm, not sure. I guess I just need to start by doing and go from there.

2. Many people chose a word to reflect on, live by or aspire to for the New Year. Let us know your word, how you decided upon it & how you plan to incorporate it into 2014.  I guess my word would be PRODUCTIVITY.

3. I will make 2014 count by… I will be the best mother to my son that I can possibly be.  I will keep up with the house work and not let it overwhelm me.  I will continue to show my husband that he is loved and appreciated.  I will take more pictures and document my new family of three.  I will cherish every moment as it comes.