My little baby boy turned 11 months old last week. I can not believe that he will be one in a few short weeks. He is growing so much recently, its absolutely amazing!
What he's been up to:
- He has said "Dada", "Mama", and "Uh-Oh" and all at the correct time.
- He has two bottom teeth, and the two top teeth are coming in.
- He can stand by himself, but only for a few seconds.
- He can pull himself up and walk around holding onto things.
- He
gives kisses (both when asked, and when hes feeling loving), even
though its more like getting your face licked rather than kissed.
- He likes to play a few "baby games" on my phone and cuddle.
- He is a laughing machine, all I have to do is look at him a certain way.
- We haven't had a night terror in a while (fingers crossed)
- He
eats almost anything but his favorites are chicken nuggets, hotdogs,
strawberries, boiled apples with cinnamon, cheese, and cheerios.
- He is still an excellent sleeper! He sleeps 12 hours at night and 2 two hour naps during the day.
- He absolutely loves zippers, velcro, buttons, and snaps.
I've started planning his first birthday party which is going to be nautical themed...I cant wait!