So I feel like I haven't really been blogging very much lately, which makes me kind of sad, because I was really enjoying it. My husband decided to take the few "reviews" I had done, and turn it into something. I didn't even consider those posts to be reviews, I was just sharing something I really loved with all of you. It's one of the wonderful things about being a women, we get to discover all these really neat "beauty" products, and pamper ourselves and feel pretty.
I've been reviewing a bunch of Amazon products (the site isn't finished...when it is I'll post a link) and I said to my hubby yesterday - as he asked me if I had written my blog post for the day - "Your taking the fun out of blogging. I don't enjoy it anymore, this was supposed to be for me."
And as I wrote my review for today (a camera) I decided I wasn't going to let him ruin this for me...I will just work a little harder at finding some time to blog about what I want to, for me.
There are things in life that I put in my private diary, and there are things that I want to share with the world. Some people don't seem to understand blogging, but I guess if you don't get it, you just dont get it, and that's ok.
I decided to go back to the begging of her blog and read it all, like a book. And it really is a book of her life. She is inspiring in so many ways. She is able to take the small moments in life and really soak them in.
One thing that really grabbed my attention, she has a daughter with Down's Syndrome. The birth story of this little girl is absolutely amazing. She talks about how she had to "mourn" the child she thought she was going to have in order to make room for the beautiful child she was given. I love her honesty and her heart.
It's not fair to pretend like it doesn't affect you when bad things happen. It doesn't help anyone to hide your true feelings. Let them out, own them, and then move on. Dont pretend to be someone your not, be yourself, and be self aware. If there is something you dont like about yourself, then change it...dont just pretend that it doesn't exist. Who is that helping?
Take a look at this world around us....dont pretend like its wonderful. If that's truly what you think, then you need to open your eyes. We need to set our differences aside and learn to love. If we cant do that, we may not last too much longer. When I look around I am not proud, not proud to be an American, and not proud to be a human.
Sorry about the rant....this post went in a whole different direction than I was planning. I guess that's part of the world of blogging :)