I dont know what goes on in the mind of animals. Maybe some think while others simply survive, we may never know. But when it comes to our pets, the domesticated dogs and cats of the world, have we turned them into little furry people?
Seriously, its something I think about often as I watch my dog to the strangest things! Yesterday he spent almost an hour looking for his bone. (which, as it turns out, he ate! lol) When my husband leaves to go to the store, he will sit by the door and wait for him to come home. He has days where he feels "needy", he wants to be next to you at every moment. Then there are other days where he will spend the whole day upstairs by himself.
Gizmo (my pomeranian) likes to sleep in. I get up several hours before my husband does. (He owns his own business, and works from home, so he makes his own hours....he is a night own) Gizmo doesn't get up with me, he waits until Chris is up. Even today, the bedroom door is open, he can come down whenever he wants....he waits until Chris is up to come down and go outside.
He likes to have his picture taken, but doesn't like the flash. He will sit perfectly still (most of the time) while I take his picture, or in most cases, several pictures.
He brings mouthfuls of food to the room we are in. He doesn't like to eat alone in the kitchen, he wants to be where the action is. He amazes me all the time. And for now at least, he is my little baby.
Trust me, he's your little baby forever! And he's adorable.