I've hit the 2,000 mark! Actually I'm a little over it. I know it's not a lot to someone who has a super popular blog, they probably see 2,000 page views a day. But I consider it an accomplishment that I have now had over 2,000 page views. Go Me! LOL
In other news, I am learning to play the cello! I've been wanting to learn for a while, and I'm super excited! I borrowed a student cello from school to get started, and if I stick with it I may ask for one for Christmas.
It is a project of mine and Chris's...I'm going to play the cello, and he will learn to play the violin. I was teasing him today because I've now started, and he is so far behind. He keeps saying he's going to surprise me with how much better he will get than me.....doesn't he know I do this for a living?!?! Hahaha. I've been playing for a day, and I'm halfway through the book.
Anyway, it's something we've always wanted to do together....maybe he will start sometime soon, and we can play duets together (yeah....we're that couple)
In string related news...here are two people you have to check out!!!
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