Although I am not really all that crafty...I wish I was. I found a really good chalkboard tutorial online here. I enjoy this girls website, and she is quite crafty with her chalkboard.
I decided this would be a fun project, and it really wasn't that hard!
First you need to go shopping at your local goodwill store and get a large picture. Make sure it has a good backing...your just going to throw away the actual picture. So look for a frame that you like with a good sturdy back (not paper).
Throw away the picture, and paint the backing with chalkboard paint. I got mine at JoAnn's, but you can also get the paint at Michaels, or Home Depot.

I used two coats and let it dry for an hour in-between (according to the directions). Then you let the board dry for 24 hours before using chalk on it.
I also painted the frame to match my dining room.
All finished! I really love the way it turned out! What do you think?
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